Chapter Twenty-Eight: Death in Calixis
Location: The Vindication, Night Lord Strike Cruiser in Expedition Fleet 89
Date: 893.M30
Turning from his old friend, Fenj glared out into the Void and the scene unfolding. The War-barques were fast, propelling themselves across the stained canvas of space like primordial sea-beasts. The initial clear Auger readings started to become less certain. Whatever technology the Rangda used to obfuscate themselves was becoming active again. Radiation reports, size estimates, and other scans varied between each observation. Not enough to hide the War-barques but enough to befuddle targeting cogitators. Watching the alien ships writhe across the system, towards the mysterious Imperial fleet. Fenj wondered if his own Strike Cruiser could match the War-barques speed. The Xeno vessels accelerated and moved with a twitching pulsating movement. Leaving a trail of intense radiation as they went.
As the thirty Rangda ships exiting the Worm became sixty, then close to a hundred. Captain Vandcoth, an experienced Voidsman of the VIII and part of Fenj's officer circle spoke.
"Chapter Master, what are your orders? Do we leave the Dawn Angels to die?"
There was no judgment or apprehension in the Astartes voice, simply a question of intent. Fenj could see it in Vandcoth's eyes, and the eyes of his other brothers around him. Pragmatism vied with Bloodlust. For a moment Fenj did not respond, coming to a decision faster than a mortal mind could even comprehend the options.
"We will wait for now. Tell the strike fleet to be ready to attach at a moment's notice though. If an opportunity presents itself we will not hesitate to exploit it."
Vandcoth relayed his orders and Fenj hoped the encrypted Astropathic or Vox transmissions were invisible to the Rangda. The scant data they had suggested so, but even if they could. Hopefully, the brewing battle towards the inner system would keep the Aliens occupied. The unknown fleet continued its escape but turned its weapons towards the approaching War-barques. Lances and Macro turrets lit up the void and struck the Rangda ships. Now Fenj could get a proper view of the enemy's shields. He half expected the Rangda ships to open up and swallow the oncoming fire or some equally bizarre defense. Instead, the void around the first Rangda ships rippled with impact. Shells that hit this strange shimmer slowed and in some cases stopped. Projected energy refracted in useless spurts of light and radiation.An unbidden memory passed into Fenj's awareness. The strange refraction reminded him of Slaugth shielding. The way the light was torn asunder and dissipated was practically identical. He had heard rumors of a connection between the Rangda and Slaugth but never paid much attention to them. Reaching up Fenj idly traced the exposed bone of his face, a painful reminder of the Walking Worms.
The other shield, or manifestation of the same shield. Which slowed down the kinetic weapons was unknown. A battle report he had read about an Armada skirmish with a Rangda Spoor Vessel mentioning something called "Gel Fields." Now he had an image to go with the brief report, the few survivors of the encounter had provided little information.
Chasing after the wounded and out of formation Imperials, the Rangda started to close the distance. The Xeno's armor had been exposed, now to see their fangs. The War-barques did not keep Fenj waiting long. A dozen cogitators and data-linked servitors across the bridge started to scream warnings. As a gout of radiation streamed from the leading Randa ships. Even from this distance the Auger and Auspex were howling warnings about the radiation levels. The Rangda had fired what amounted to a small Gamma-ray Burst at the fleeing Imperials.
The effects were instantaneous once the energized stream hit a lagging transport vessel. Punching right through its shields and almost instantly frying every circuit on the Imperial ship. Nosteroi flinched horribly shortly after impact and Fenj imagined the Librarian had felt the psychic death screams of the crew. Today he had no pity for his friend's burden. Whatever the Solomonari had hidden from him would be exposed. For now, they had to focus on the battle raging before them.
Without its plasma drives to increase its momentum the rad-soaked transport ship fell further behind its fellows. Drifting through the encroaching Rangda fleet. As the Alien ships passed by a dozen long plastic tendrils struck out from a few of the larger War-barques. Striking the corpse ship like a parasitic wasp laying its eggs, before continuing towards the next target. The rad blasts were obscene acts of destructive power. Weapons capable of such gamma saturation were rare to the point of forbidden across the Imperial military. Only the First Legion and some particularly insane Magos use these weapons. Then only in extreme circumstances. Fenj doubted much could survive such a weapons use, this was a tool of extermination and insanity.
The battle continued as half a dozen more Imperial ships died to Rangda weapons. The Gamma-Gout weapon was only part of the Alien's arsenal. Much of it defied Fenj's understanding of war, but that did not surprise him. The eternal problem when dealing with Xeno's. Alien minds could dream up and produce horrors beyond mankind's comprehension or imagination. The Mechanicum would have challenges dissecting any captured Rangda weaponry. Some of the tools of destruction were within his frame of context or at least somewhat familiar. Shadow Blasters that combined Radiation, Sorcery, Grav, and Necrotic energy in a dreadful slurry of death. Boney spines that spat globs of milky fluid at incoming missiles. Long rubbery tendrils that acted as both grappling spike and boarding pod. Along with a whole host of similarly profane weapons.
With grim satisfaction, Fenj watched the first Rangda casualty. A War-barque overextended and found itself surrounded by a swarm of escorts and cruisers. Its shields taxed by the small ship's fire, and its body burst by a well-timed broadside of plasma shells. Some of the Xeno ships larger chunks wriggled for a few moments before becoming still.
"Good," thought Fenj "They can die well enough, but how to make them afraid?"
Another two Rangda ships soon fell, but the battle went poorly. The Worm-Ship had finished vomiting up its passengers and shut. Awaiting the battles outcome or new travellers. It took multiple Imperial ships sustained coordinated fire to break a single Rangda vessel. And the Xenos outnumbered the dwindling Imperial force three to one. It was an ugly decision but letting these scattered Imperials die to preserve the Expedition Fleet was the right call. Hopefully, once the battle was finished the Rangda would return to whatever infested system they originated from.
Less than a hundred tattered Imperial ships dueled close to three hundred Rangda ships across the inner Dyatlov-Rho system. The relatively ordered formations of the chase were abandoned as the Void came alight with savage close quarter combat. Fenj and every other officer in the hidden Night Lord strike fleet observed the battle with predatory focus. Any weakness or opening would not go unnoticed. One detail that stuck out to Fenj was the lack of variety in weight classes among the War-barques. While he noticed at least a dozen different distinct breeds of Xeno ships. Each combing flesh, metal, plastic and other more esoteric materials in a skeletal mixture of arthropod and cnidaria life. They were all roughly the same size. About equivalent to an Imperial cruiser, but likely with less mass considering the Barques shape. This might be an exploitable weakness. The mixing of different vessel classes provided many advantages. Combined arms warfare stands supreme, even in the void.
A sudden Vox hail caught the Chapter Masters' attention. It was from a Star Galleon leading part of the scattered resupply fleet. As the battle raged across the inner system, a section of the Rangda fleet and fleeing Imperials had split from the larger warzone. Engaging in a running battle that was coming perilously close to the Star Galleon and other elements of the resupply fleet. Detection by either side of the battle might prove disastrous. The hidden ships would need to move and do so subtly.
"Tell them to wait until either side suffers a major casualty. Use the ensuing chaos and fallout to escape to the far side of the Gas Giant they hide within."
Not an ideal plan but one that could work. Almost on cue, shortly after the message was relayed. An Imperial Cruiser exploded in a blinding rupture of its Plasma Drive. The Cruisers engines created a momentary second star in Dyatlov-Rho. Launching the burning ships husk into the nearby gravity well. All while its crew fired its weapons with the desperation of the already dead. A trio of Rangda War-barques swooped down towards the Imperial ship, pounding it with Shadow Blasts and Gamma Bursts. Reeling from impacts and unable to reorient itself. The dying Cruiser spun into the gravity well and finally exploded in a storm of plasma and shrapnel.
As the explosion lit up the Vindication's sensors, Fenj could only watch as a cloud of debris, plasma-fire and munitions struck one of the Expedition Fleets ships. The Light Cruiser had been trailing behind the Star Galleon and its fellow resupply ships. Acting as a scout and rear-guard. Poor fortune bombarded the Light Cruiser hiding deep in the Gas Giants clouds. Quickly its voids were overwhelmed and the unmistakable signs of impact were apparent even from distant Auspex readings. The horrified silence of the Bridge was broken when Nestoroi spoke.
"Man makes plans, and the Gods laugh. What an apt saying for our galaxy. They will find us now."
As predicted the three Rangda ships noticed the Light Cruiser and turned their dark attention to it. Firing a wave of slower-moving Rad weapons. Fenj wondered if they were macro-canon equivalents, but that was something for later consideration. For now more pressing concerns kept Fenj's attention. The Auspex cried out as it sensed a minor gravitic disturbance ripple out from the Rangda ships. The wave quickly fading into the Void but its purpose became clear. The War-barques turned their attention to the hidden Imperial ships and opened fire. It was a form of Gravity Radar, and it had found elements of the Resupply Fleet.
Cursing a string of particularly foul underhive oaths, Fenj started barking orders. "We strike now before they have time to realize we are here. Contact the Resupply Fleet, I want them moving to the Mandeville point and jumping as quickly as they can. Night Lords! We will buy them time to escape and see if we can make these Xeno's scream!"
Across the Dyatlov-Rho system, six different strike-forces slipped out of cover and headed for their chosen targets. Flying silently through the void like great Chiropteran horrors. The Vindication and its accompanying ships moved quickly. A pocket of Rangda ships were pushing the refugee Imperial ships. Leaving their backs exposed, and ready for a salvo of Torpedos and Macro shells. The Night Lord ships were fast, very fast. Agile too, capable of cutting through the void like some gothic knife the size of a city. Hiding behind inverted Void shields they proved undetectable. Despite himself, Fenj felt a cruel smirk cross his ruined face as the first volley hit home.
Slower and less accurate, but subtler than Lances. The kinetic bombardment of the Night Lord ships struck. Instantly five of the War-barques died in a shower of explosions. Ripping the enemy vessels apart and leaving twitching skeletal remains in the Night Lords' wake. All across the system, five other Night Lords forces hit as well. Each punching a hole in the Rangda line of battle before fading back into the crimson void. Rad warnings flashed as the dying screams of the Rangda ships spilled into the system. Not enough to effect any Imperial ship worth its metal, but a grim warning of the War-barques weapons.
Using the provided distraction the Resupply fleet erupted from the gas giants' depths. A great school of surfacing leviathans. Adding their own fire power against the Rangda. The Xenos seemed to barely realize a new threat had appeared when an entire Expedition Fleet erupted out of the ammonia clouds. Fenj and his Battle-Brothers would not give the Rangda time to realize what was occurring. The Vindication's battlegroup swooped in for a second pass. Picking off some War-barques starting to turn towards the Resupply fleet.
Steadily both Resupply and Refugee Fleets moved towards the Mandeville point. The beleaguered Imperials who the Rangda originally hunted. Using the opportunity provided to escape. In a few quick strikes the Xeno's were put on the defensive. Now it was time for the Night Lords to do what they were created for. Sowing fear, chaos, and confusion among mankind's enemies.
Loosening their formation, the VIII Legion battle groups started pushing limits. Hunter squads of Warships dove between Rangda ships, finding the foes limits. So far the Rangda had not used the Gravity Radar again. Perhaps it was a limited resource or simply extremely costly. Either way, the advantage went to the Night Lords. Flitting between the gaps in the Xeno formation, the Night Lords raised merry hell. Dodging alien point defense and other weapons. Fenj could swear he heard his Battle-Brother Orchilo of the Dying Sun laughing maniacally as that ship dove between two War-barques. Baiting them into opening fire on each other. Amusing but now was not the time for such pursuits. They needed to keep the Rangda distracted and off-balance.
So far the refugee and Resupply fleets were making good progress. A few casualties among the Refugees attempting to disentangle from unwinnable battles. The first Night Lord loss had also occurred. An escort in the third battlegroup died when a swarm of the slower rad weapons locked onto it. Homing in and striking the ship. No terrible drive-core detonation but an eerie silence as the ship went dark after the bombardment. Fenj had no desire to become more acquainted with these kinetic Rangda weapons. Rad-soaked missiles of uncertain potential it seemed. A series of new messages reached him. The Resupply fleet had made contact with the tattered Imperial refugees and were coordinating an escape. It seemed the rescued fleet was furious that the Night Lords had waited so long to aid but were willing to swallow that anger long enough to evade the Rangda.
As the Night Lords attacked the Rangda they made sure to constantly change their pattern of offense. Shifting from tight-knit squads designed to strike devastating blows, to chaotic swarms meant to harass and intercept. Much to Fenj's annoyance, the Rangda were starting to catch on. Half a dozen more VIII Legion ships died from mistimed attacks, poor luck, or the enemy's skill. The advantage given by their surprise attack was becoming negligible. To the Xeno's credit, they reacted quickly and had turned their attention towards the Night Lords. The VIII Legion would pay in blood giving both Imperial fleets time to escape.
"Eighty-Four percent of the Resupply Fleet and large elements of the rogue fleet present at Mandivillie point. Cogitators and Tactica predicting Hundred percent within the next bell." Chimed a mortal Comm officer. Yelling to be heard over the clamor of claxons and hurried activity.
Good, they would only need to keep the Rangda distracted a bit longer. Then their charges would be marginally safer. Beginning a whole new set of challenges. How would the Strike Fleets of the VIII Legion escape? Well Fenj thought, If his Brothers were good at anything it would be fleeing when the opportunity arose. Normally they would use Nostoroi's sight to ensure a successful escape. The events of this battle were proving anything but normal.
Glancing over at his Brother, Fenj met the Solomonari's eyes for a brief second. He expected shame or avoidance there. Instead, Nostoroi met Fenj's stare with a look of resigned sadness. A look that was accompanied by another telepathic message from the Librarian. Fenj was sorely tempted to refuse the psychic link but pragmatism won out against bitter distrust.
+ "The gift of our Genefather is so misunderstood Master Fenj. Most of our brothers, yourself included, believe it to be foresight. Thinking we merely peer into the Warp like the Angels or Xeno seers. I wish our gift was something so banal as that. Tell me Brother, what did you see when the visions took you?"+
Fenj wanted to shout, to grab the insufferably vague Librarian's skull and take an eye. They did not have time for this, a battle waged around them. A battle that quickly grabbed Fenj's attention as a Nightlord light cruiser detonated in an iridescent tablou across Dyatlov-Rho. Framing the system and its occupants in a single moment of white light. A moment familiar to Fenj. The Chapter Master's eyes widened as he felt anomalous memories and reality slots together. Before him was one of the seemingly nonsense visions he had suffered through. The vision came true before him, and his mind dredged up terrible sights yet-to-be.
+ " We do not see the future through the Warp like a petty psychic seer. We see time as our Liege does. Not as a river that we hope to guide ourselves along. But as an Ocean that stretches out in every direction. We do not see what could be, we see what is. Even if what is, is not yet now. In those moments of mind-breaking awareness, we see the curve of time in totality. A sight more than capable of breaking even our augmented minds. I know it wears on our genefather, who can use both methods of foresight. The secret of the Solomonari is not triggering these visions, but finding details within them while maintaining a semblance of sanity."+
Fenj did not have time to process and understand this supposed revelation about his Legion. He did not care about some supposed atemporal sight gifted by the Emperor. A snarling retort to the unwanted lecture grew in Fenj's throat. To castigate his subordinate and pull the truth from him. The Chapter Master hadn't even opened his scarred mouth when another telepathic message struck him.
+ " I tell you this not to irritate you Brother. In contrast I tell you, so you might understand and be at peace. Our sight is not perfect, the meddling of the Warp can disturb it, but it's close to perfect. I promise you Brother, there was no other option. The opportunity to escape long past by. Mankind must bleed in this system. Better we pay that bloody price than the IX Legion in entirety."+
"What are you saying? What have you done, Nostoroi?!" Barked Fenj. An armored gauntlet reaching out to grip the Librarian. Every eye on the bridge flicked from their duties to watch the Chapter Master. Exactly the kind of distraction Fenj had hoped to avoid.
+ " I've seen the future, and so have my brothers in the Solomonari and Librarius. We all see the same thing. We lose this battle, but mankind wins the war. It's easy to sacrifice a pawn in a game of regicide, except when you are the pawn." +
Eyes alight with fury and dawning horror Fenj wrapped his gauntlets around his advisor's throat. The Solomonari went limp, not responding to the attack. Resigned to whatever fate he seemed to know was coming. A dozen screaming Voxlines, panicked shouts from the bridge crew, and a distant explosion in the Void pulled Fenj's attention back to the battle. The Comms officer shouted into the din, getting the Chapter Masters attention.
"One of the refugee ships just opened fire on the resupply fleet! The Valiant Steel is gone!"
Location: Stellar Glory EF-89 Star Galleon in the Dyatlov-Rho system.
Date: 893.M30 (Shortly before the Valiant Steel's destruction.)
Captain Henrietta Maevish tensed her grip on the command throne. She watched the ragtag collection of Imperial ships approach her vessel through the viewport. They were so damn close. Within cosmic spitting distance of the Mandeville point. With the Night Lords keeping the Xeno's busy, escape would be possible. The only thing preventing the Stellar Glory and the rest of the Resupply Fleet from leaving was elements of the bloody cowards that had brought the Aliens here in the first place. No, that was not fair. She had seen the Auger readings on the Worm… thing. If separated from the rest of the Crusader Fleet, then running from that abomination was the best option.
That did not change the fact they currently delayed their escape. Mass warp-jumps could not be done without coordination. It was easy for a single misaligned or poorly navigated ship to smash into others while in the Warp. At best it could knock a vessel off course. At worst, damage the ship or its Gellar field. An easy mistake that the Imperial Armada had long dealt with. Simple communication between all jumping ships could alleviate virtually any danger. So when it became clear the Refugee ships would be joining the evacuation, the Expedition Fleet had sent hails. Hails quickly returned by about half of the ragged Imperial fleet but ignored by the other half.
Scores of more damaged ships spread out across the Retreating Imperials did not respond to any communication. Vox, astropathic, even a few more exotic types employed by the Mechanicum. Every scan they employed showed them as badly damaged but still functional Imperial ships. Psychic probes had trouble locking on, but that could be caused by a depleted crew, or problems with the Warp Drive and Gellar Field. To have one or two ships like this after presumably heavy fighting and a desperate retreat was understandable. This many though? It raised the hair on Henrietta's neck. Something wasn't right. They could attempt a jump but she did not like the idea of a small fleet of silent ships rattling about in the Warp Current with them. A feeling that her fellow captains and superiors seemed to share.
Drumming her fingers rapidly on the polished metal of the throne, she barked an order at the Comms officer.
"Mister Hart, send another wide-band hail to the nearest mute ships." Pausing for a moment and deliberating, she continued "Ensure it includes a targeting warning and friend/foe queries."
The next logical step but a grim one. The mute ships would find a way to respond, cease their advance towards the Expedition Fleet or risk being fired upon. As reports came in about more Night Lord casualties it became clear they had little time. As Henrietta feared, still no response, and the refugee fleet only got closer. They did receive some questioning hails from refugee ships asking why they had their comrades targeted.
The Stellar Glory was neither fast nor particularly well-armed. Its nature as a Star Galleon was in its reliability and durability, not its firepower. That made it one of the reasons Captain Henrietta Maevish's ship found itself positioned close to the refugee ships and slightly behind its siblings in the Expedition Fleet. This vessel could take significant punishment, and even deal some in return if truly pressed to. It and some faster strike cruisers made up the rearguard. As the senior captain of the detachment, it fell to Captain Maevish to take a course of action.
With no clear options, she made her choice. "Vox all responding refugee ships. Tell them to group up and separate from the mute ships. They will jump with us and the others will jump after us separately. "
Not a perfect plan but a passable one. The message filtered from the fleet and after some hesitation, the responding ships complied. Breaking ranks quicker than she expected. Perhaps she was not the only one with apprehensions about the silent vessels.
"Have the Valiant Steel move to meet them. Cover their retreat and prepare to respond if the mute ships try anything." The fast Cruiser would make a good herding hound, moving the tattered flock away from their sick brethren.
The Valiant Steel broke ranks and prowled towards the incoming fleet. It lacked the inverted void shields the Night Lords favored but its design and crew earned the vessel a reputation for speed and stealth. Cutting through the Void, the Cruiser was soon within boarding distance of the responding fleet. In response some of the mute ships accelerated, moving to follow their escaping kin. Valiant Steel moved to intercept, broadcasting overt target locks. Hoping to warn off the mute vessels. No such luck, drastic measures were needed. Henrietta swallowed down bile and gave the Valiant Steel permission to fire.
It never got the opportunity. Streams of hard radiation poured from the nearest mute ships. The concentrated bombardment quickly overloaded the Valiant Steel's shields. Leaving the vessel naked to the blistering fire of monochromatic energy that followed the Gamma pulse. There was no time to issue a warning, no time for the cruiser to strike back. The ship went dark, its systems and crew burned out by the entropic weapon Imperials would learn to hate, Rangda Shadow Blasters.
The mute ships soon turned their fire onto the rest of the refugee ships. The Vox exploded with frantic confused hails and reports. Henrietta stared wide-eyed. The sensors had detected nothing and still didn't. Only registering the energy attacks once they had already fired. Something was very wrong. Pulling herself up from the Command throne with a snarl. The Captain barked "All ships open fire on the silent ships. They are not human, kill without mercy!"
The tension of uncertainty and mistrust snapped and quickly replaced by the stress of battle. Valiant Steel and its fellow rearguard moved into position. Opening fire on the mute ships. A lucky shot from a Cruiser in the advancing formation tore a chunk off a mute ship. Revealing the milky-white plastic meat of Rangda design. Parasite ships, another danger dreamed up by perfidious alien intellects.
A million questions flew through Captain Maevish's mind. What were these strange vessels wearing the husks of Imperial vessels? Why didn't scans show any sign of this oddity? When were these ships hollowed and infested? A bevy of damnable questions, but ones meant for other servants of the Emperor to answer. The only questions that mattered to her were quite simple. How do we kill the enemy and survive the process?
The Stellar Glory and its companions in the rearguard formed a line of battle and traded fire with the Rangda Parasite Ships. A Star Galleons' shields are designed to take heavy blows and the Glory proved itself again and again. Radiation and Entropic bolts enough to kill smaller ships fizzled against the layered Void shields. Imperial fire was focused on a few Rangda ships individually. Maevish didn't want to take any risks, and ordered all ships under her command to make sure the Xenos were really dead while also providing a narrow line of fire, one that the escaping refugee ships could evade. The Imposters would burn, but the rearguard still had a duty to fulfill. In contrast to the Imperial technique, the Rangda spread out their assault in a steady bombardment. Perfect for picking off weaker fleeing ships. Henretta bit back a grimace as she saw ragged Imperial ships go dark. Soon most of the refugees would be behind her battle line.
With fewer targets and more distance between themselves and easy prey. The Parasite ships turned more of their fire onto the Stellar Glory. Their shields held, but the radiation counters started to shriek. Decaying atoms smeared around the vessel bombarded it with a steady stream of radiation. Gene-therapy would be required for much of the ship's important crew. Sterilization would be the only fate for the unlucky and unworthy. Another shrieking claxon alerted the bridge crew. One of the secondary Void shield generators had suffered damage. Overtaxed, the techno-arcane systems had given out. The Tech-Priests were confident they could fix it but said it would take time. The sustained concentrated fire was not something they could handle for much longer.
Something new flickered across the Auspex display and a moment of worry worked its way up Henretta's spine. Fading as she recognized the signature of an inverted Void Shield being replaced by standard defenses. A squad of Night Lord ships emerged from the darkness of the space and struck at the Parasite ships. Vox hails from the lead Strike Cruiser reached the Stellar Glory.
The gravelly underhive accent of a Night Lord had never been a comforting thing for Henretta, even after years of serving with the VIII Legion. Today might be the first exception to that rule. As the maniac voice of one of the Emperor's cruelest Angels echoed across the Vox.
"This is Brother-Captain Ravanos of the Darkened Blade. Run along mortals, this is Night Lord's work. These Xenos have been Judged, Weighed, and found Wanting!"
The Vox cut off just as the start of a mad cackle escaped the Astartes on the other end. Gesturing to her crew and opening her own communications with her fellow captains. Henretta prepared her next move.
"As the Brother-Captain says. Let us leave this engagement. Keep us between the battle and the refugees. Keep up fire on the Xeno's as we retreat. Any distraction we can provide will let Cruze's sons slip in a knife."
With the Night Lords reaving between the parasitic ships, they had an opportunity. One they would not waste. Leaving the battle the rearguard and refugees joined up with the rest of the Expedition Fleet. They had barely reached the edge of the Mandiville point when Jump data poured through the Comm, and hundreds of Warp Drives ignited. Quickly joining them the intact and now swollen Expedition Fleet 89 (Resupply Division) prepared to leave Dyatlov-Rho. Fleeing the Rangda and the terrible worm-ship that pierced the void.
The first Warp rift opened, created by a hulking Forge-Ship of Mars. Soon dozens more split the fabric of reality and bled impossible colors. Warp-shutters started to shut across the fleet and Henrietta found herself silently thanking the human minds that had given her the tools and training to survive this nightmare. She took one last look out at the assembled fleet. Working hard not to glance at the crawling chaos visible in the nearest entrance to the Warp. Even in the Materium and at a great distance, gazing upon the Sea of Souls could prove destructive.
Observing the fleet her eyes caught on one of the Refugee ships. It had not started up its Warp Drive, and instead moved closer to the fleet's middle. After a moment Henrietta was about to turn to her Comn officer. Hoping to signal the strange ship and get an answer. She got one before she even fully turned her head. The vetted and contacted Refugee ship, whose captain she had spoken to personally, shed its skin.
Shedding its skin might not be the right words. The husk around the hidden Parasite Ships exploded outward in a wave of mega-shrapnel. Striking nearby ships with literal kilometers of warped slag. Another of the Refugee ships detonated, then another. At least a dozen erupting in shot-cannon blasts capable of crippling Imperial vessels. Freed from the camouflage the Parasite Ships opened fire. The trap had been two-fold. Henrietta swore violently as a spear of Adamantium that had once been part of a Cruisers keel struck the Stellar Glory. The ship shook and alarms wailed. One, in particular, set itself apart. It's horrible keening something all who sail the Void long learned to fear above all else. The Gellar Field had failed.
Hundreds of Warp rifts dotted the Void around them and the Stellar Glory's own Drive had been ignited and started to cut open reality. The ship was badly damaged and ripping open a path to its own death. Recovering quickly the Captain shouted orders. They would abort the Warp Drive's ignition and get the Gellar Field operational again. It was then when death struck the bridge. Mechanisms and Cogitators sparked and a few crew members bent over in pain. A metallic taste and the smell of burning meat filled the ship's bridge. Shakily Captain Henrietta Maevish raised her hand to her face. Feeling the blisters of radiation burns raising along her skin. The great mechanisms of an Imperial Ship continued as the Bridge and most of the vessel's upper decks burned alive with flames on the atomic level.
The Warp Drive finished its task and opened up reality. As blood vessels ripped open and skin sloughed off her. The Stellar Glory's Captain stared into the Warp. . Her ship, its crew and her were slowly moving towards the open maw of Chaos. Fresh meat thrown to hungry things circling in the dark. With fingers already burnt and rotting, Henrietta reached down to her sidearm. Death was inevitable but she would not die in the domain of Thirsting Gods. A final act of desperate fearful defiance.
The Stellar Glory fell into Hell. Its crew damned, and its metal body destined to haunt the galaxy as part of a space hulk. Nobody except a few attentive scanner-techs noticed the tragedy. For another horror had joined the nightmare brewing across Dyatlov-Rho. The destruction wreaked on the Expedition Fleet even proved secondary as the Worm shifted. Its foul head, covered in unblinking eyes and plastic-organic stitching bulged grotesquely. Preparing to split open again, to let something new arrive. The bleeding wound in space/time it stuck through ripped open even further. As some horrible shape pushed itself along the Worm and prepared to enter the system.
Splitting open, and unfurling fleshy apertures, the Worm-Ship prepared to disgorge its newest cargo. Cargo that answered a question posed by Chapter Master Fenj. The Night Lord commander had wondered why the War-Barques differed little in tonnage. The lack of difference was for the same reason Imperial escorts and strike craft vary little in size. These War-Barques were not War-Ships as the Imperium assumed. They were little symbiotes that flitted around a leviathan, protecting and serving it. A leviathan now revealed to humanity. Expedition Fleet 89 faced a Rangda War-Moon.
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