Chapter 3341 Two Magi (Part 2)

Chapter 3341 Two Magi (Part 2)

"My judgment is still pending but so far, it's far from good. Even from inside his feather, I could hear you when you called my bloodline expandable. That and you reproaching Lith for his noble actions inspire no loyalty from me."

"I can see your point." Meron nodded, knowing when he was defeated. "I hope in the future you can see ours and reconsider your opinion of the current Crown. We may look cold and indifferent to you but we are only doing what's best for the Kingdom.

"Alas, in the great game of politics being noble or right is not enough to be a good ruler."

"I know." Menadion snapped her fingers and released the Royal Guards. "That's why I hold no grudge towards you but that doesn't mean I like you. Can we go now?"

"Of course, but before you leave, Lady Menadion, I have to ask you to take a picture with us and stand by my husband's side." Sylpha asked.

"Excuse you?" Ripha was flabbergasted.

"You can always say no." The Queen said with a sly smile. "But that would mean that you have to come back every time we need to convince a noble or the Royal Court of the merit of our decision of acquitting Supreme Magus Verhen of all charges."

"Or you can endure a few pictures and a brief speech. Once we have undeniable proof of your return, we won't have any need for you and Magus Verhen will avoid countless Court's summons to explain his actions.

"Sure, nobles will have the right to ask either of you for an audience but you'll have the right to turn them down."

"You had me at full acquittal. Menadion said. "Let's get this over with."

The Queen took her communication amulet out and took several pictures of Menadion in her human form standing near Solus to prove both Ripha's identity and her connection with the Verhens.

Then, Sylpha gestured for Menadion to stand in front of the raised dais and between the two thrones before activating the broadcast array.

"People of the Kingdom." Meron's strong, confident voice bore no trace of his previous annoyance. "I bear good news. Our Supreme Magus is back with us and his loyalty to our country is beyond question."

The projector moved from the King to Lith who gave the audience a deep bow.

"The rumors you have heard are true. Magus Verhen did break the border with Chalal but he didn't do it to help the Gorgon Empire. Like a hero of legends, Magus Verhen defied the odds and human laws to rescue a friend in need.

"Like a hero of legends. fate smiled upon him, giving Magus Verhen victory and a new Demon. After snatching his own brother and many heroes of the Kingdom from the jaws of death, Magus Verhen has brought back a legend of old.

"It's my honor and pleasure to announce the return among us of Ripha Menadion, Forge Magus, builder of the six great academies, and personal friend of the First King." The hologram depicted Menadion's face in a close-up before zooming out to her full figure. She brought her right hand above her heart and knelt down, giving an impression of humble grace.

The entire Kingdom went into an uproar as people pointed at Menadion and countless applications to move to Lutia flooded the local town hall. Even the most quarrelsome members of the Court who had been talking over the broadcast until a moment ago fell silent in disbelief.

"Son of a bitch!" Jirni slammed her fist on the armrest of her chair, smashing it into bits. "He should have told me before going to the Royal Court."

"Calm down, dear." Orion said. "Think of our baby girl,"

"Dad told you about Ripha, Mom, and so did we." Friya handed her mother a chamomile tea. "You have no reason to be angry."

"No reason?" Jirni looked at Friya like she was insane. "Now buying the land and permits to build our country house in Lutia will cost us a fortune! Every poser and two-bit noble are going to fight tooth and nail to get a spot near two Magi." Meanwhile, in the capital of the Kingdom, Meron patted Menadion on the left. shoulder, the right, and then on the head with the flat side of the Saefel Sword to restore her noble and Magus titles.

"Rise, Forge Magus Menadion." The King offered her his hand. "It's said that when two Magi appear at the same time, their country of origin is bound to experience a golden age. I hope the Forge and Supreme Magus will prove the wisdom of the ancients true."

The ceremony ended with Lith and Ripha shaking hands while King Meron placed his hand on top of theirs.

A snap of Sylpha's fingers ended the transmission.

"You can go now." Meron said. "If I may, Lady Menadion, you are much shorter than I imagined you."

"I'm tall for my age." Ripha raised an eyebrow in annoyance.

"One thousand years?" The King was flabbergasted. "I'm sorry, but no one grows past sixteen, let alone after death."

"I meant my era!" Menadion blushed in embarrassment. "I was born before the Kingdom was established. There wasn't much food back then and the average height was much lower than today!"

"I see. I apologize for my rudeness." He said.

'Solus is even shorter than her and was born under Salaark's patronage. I bet malnutrition has nothing to do with the two of them being that short but there's no point arguing. Meron actually thought.

"Please, accept our apologies as well, Forge Magus." The Royal Guards bowed to Menadion. "We hadn't recognized you and meant no disrespect. It's an honor to stand in your presence!"

"You were just doing your job." Ripha shook the hands offered to her. "The pleasure is all mine."

On the way back, many servants, nobles, and diplomats couldn't take their eyes off Menadion, ending up banging their heads against something or someone when they

gave her a bow.

"That was fun." She chuckled after three nobles fell to the ground at the same time while cursing each other.

"Also, easier than I expected." Solus said as they crossed over to the Blood Desert and the Warp Gate closed behind them. "The Royals forgave you without even trying to get

you to do some jobs for them."

"What was the alternative?" Lith snorted. "Losing two Magi in a single swoop? Had they threatened to charge me with anything, I would have just announced my moving

to the Empire"

"Would you really do it?" Solus asked.

"Uprooting our family? Not if I can avoid it, but I won't let anyone treat me like a dog." Lith replied. "I may have helped the Empire unwittingly but I didn't damage the Kingdom. I feel sorry for the people of Zeska, but it's not my fault if Meln is insane."

"Welcome back, dear." Elina checked Lith's arms and chest for wounds and his face for any sign of malnutrition. "I'm so proud of you. Everything went great. At this rate, Lutia will soon develop into one of the crown jewels of the Kingdom."

"I can't believe it." Menadion said.

"Why not?" Elina tilted her head in confusion while checking up on Solus next.

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