Chapter 3362 Less is More (Part 1)
The four siblings exchanged a brief unenthusiastic glance before nodding and praising Elina for her idea. They were indeed too old for toys but their mother's happiness was priceless to them.
During the following days, Lith and Solus spent their mornings practicing the various pieces of the Set under Menadion's guidance. During that time, Aran and Leria went to school with renewed enthusiasm.
They had long since learned how to read, write, and count so they focused their efforts on magic.
Compulsory education in the Blood Desert included all kinds of chore magic. The students would regularly perform practical exercises under the supervision of skilled tutors who separated the children based on the power of their mana cores.
Those with a deep red core had too little mana to do anything and were exonerated from the lessons. From red to orange, children would be taught to use all elements but only in their basic forms to perform chores safely.
From bright orange and up, anyone with colored streaks in their hair would receive lessons that also covered air blades, how to produce electricity, and how to shape ice. Such advanced topics were covered not as means of offense but to teach the children self-control.
In moments of great stress, an individual talented enough could produce such phenomenons by instinct, and without proper training, someone might get hurt. A child cutting one of their siblings or electrocuting their parents during a tantrum left a mental scar on the future mages that no light magic could remove.
With their bright yellow cores, colored streaks, and Lith's teachings, Aran and Leria were always at the top of their class. Something they loved to rub in the face of their rivals by conjuring holograms.
After receiving Dawn's tips, they could form basic hard-light constructs as well but Lith had instructed them to keep it a secret and practice Light Mastery only at home. After Solus' kidnapping and the attempts on Kamila's life, the kids didn't need to be told twice. Kamila spent that time practicing Accumulation and studying tier three magic under Tista's tutelage. With everything that had happened, she wanted to become strong.
'I don't want to go back to being a liability for Lith the moment the baby is born and I don't plan to be pregnant for the rest of my life. I must become capable of defending myself!' She thought.
Raaz and Elina spent most of their time in the Greenhouse with the babies. While the adults tended the fields, the children explored the safe environment around them,
marveling at the butterflies and small furry animals Raaz brought from time to time. "Bad Shargein, bad!" He scolded the Wyrmling who had just tried to swallow a bunny. "This is not food. See?" Raaz patted the terrified creature.
"Ba! Ba!" Elysia and Valeron joined the scolding, making Shargein tilt his head in confusion.
"Roast?" He pointed his taloned finger at the rodent while rubbing his scaled belly. "Hungry!"
Shargein had indeed eaten roasted bunny before and unlike the other two babies, he could tell what his favourite food looked like while alive from its smell.
"I think we are in trouble." Raaz said.
"Maybe, and maybe not." Elina stood up but the Wyrmling could still look her straight into the eyes while sitting. Compared to him, she was shorter and much thinner. "If you are hungry, you just need to say it, Shargein.
"You should never hurt living creatures unless for self-defense. Is it clear, young man?" Things weren't so black and white but with such a powerful child, guidelines had to be kept simple.
"Yes." Shargein didn't fear the small and weak woman, but he had been raised right and he respected his elders.
Also, Elina's firm tone and the way she weaved her finger under his snout reminded him of his mother too much to raise an objection.
"Good, Shargein." She rewarded him with a tray of steaming roasted chickens. "Remember, the strong must treat the weak with respect, or he's just a bully,"
"Okay." He wolfed down a chicken in one gulp, rubbing his long neck against her as a thank you.
"He's just a baby, Raaz." Elina said while caressing the Wyrmling. "Just because he's big and strong, you mustn't assume the worst. Shargein is very smart, just like Elysia."
"Me smarter." The Wyrmling said in between bites.
"Ba!" Elysia shapeshifted into a Tiamat in outrage.
"It's not a competition, Elysia." Raaz grabbed her in mid-air before she rammed against Shargein with her horns. "Be a good girl and let him eat in peace."
"Ba?" The little girl pointed her clawed finger at herself.
"If you are violent, yes." Raaz said with a stern tone that made the baby girl chirp apologetically. "What Grandma Elina said about respecting others applies to you too."
"So-y." Elysia stopped struggling and extended her little arms.
"Apologies accepted but don't do that ever again." He held the baby to his chest, cradling her.
"First, that's how you have to treat Shargein. Just like that. Elina said. "Second, don't call me grandma, please. It makes me feel old."
"Easy to say" Raaz replied. "She's this small and he's that big!"
He stood beside Shargein who was taller, larger, and heavier. Even at one year of age, a Dragon whelp could kill a man with ease.
"It's only a matter of habit." Elina said. "Do you remember how, at first, we were intimidated by the magical beasts protecting our house? After spending a bit of time
with them, however, they weren't so scary anymore."
"That's true, but they are all adults as intelligent as humans. Some even more. Raaz countered. "Shargein is a baby."
"Adults? You mean like Onyx and Abominus?" Elina countered back.
"Point taken." Raaz raised his hands with the palms out in surrender. "It seems you and I have to spend some time together, big fella."
Shargein gulped down the last chicken and nuzzled against Raaz, chirping in enthusiasm. Raaz brought the Doomslayer crib closer and put Elysia back in with Valeron. "Watch and learn. He started to whittle a piece of wood into a dragon figurine. "By the way, what do you mean, old? The children always call you grandma."
"It's different." Elina sighed. "They are young and adorable. Also, I am their grandma. You
instead are...."
"Old and grumpy?" Raaz said with a laugh. "Guilty as charged."
The knife shaved away big pieces of wood. It had yet to take any shape but, to the babies, whittling was like magic. Something turned into another and they had no clue how.
"No, silly. You are my husband. I may look like I'm still in my thirties but when you call me grandma, I feel all my forty-two years weighing on my chest." She said, wringing her hands. "Like I'm not the girl you married anymore but the hag you're stuck with."
"Now it's your turn to be silly." He put his tools down before embracing her. "You were and are a gorgeous woman, Elina, but what made me fall for you is a kind of beauty that doesn't fade.
"Believe me when I say you are the same beautiful girl I married and losing you would kill
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