Chapter 3382: The Next Generation (Part 1)
Jirni had prepared a country house for each of her daughters and setting the private Warp Gate was the finishing touch. Obtaining the necessary authorizations to connect a Gate to the Kingdom’s Network and building it cost money.
There was no point spending such a hefty sum unless Friya and Quylla moved out of the family home for good. Since Quylla had the pass for the Verhen Mansion, she could open the dimensional corridor safely from her side.
"I can’t believe you really came!" She welcomed Lith, Solus, and Kamila with a hug. "I wasn’t expecting to see you until an emergency happened, my mother gives birth, or I do. To what do I owe the pleasure of having the elusive Supreme Magus in my humble abode?"
"I just wanted to check on you and Garrik." Lith replied. "I’m sorry for abandoning him and Ryla like that but as you know, I didn’t have much of a choice."
"Actually, you had." Quylla shrugged. "Nothing stopped you from visiting them after you rescued Solus. You took your sweet time. Not that I’m complaining." She said with a smug grin on her face.
"Why the smug grin?" Solus asked.
"Because Ophya and Vyla moved here as well. They are a great help and it’s Lith who’s paying for their work."
"What do you mean, a great help, and what are they doing here?" Lith was flabbergasted.
"They are Awakened who have served under a relatively old Dragon all their lives." Quylla shrugged. "What Syrook taught them and what they have learned by observing him work is of great value for a self-taught Awakened like me.
"I exchange my limited knowledge for theirs and allow them to use my research facilities. It’s a win-win. Also, they are helping me set the nursery for the babies and teaching me everything they have learned from taking care of Valeron the Second."
"Why rely on Ophya and Vyla for parental advice? Couldn’t you ask Jirni or Orion?" Solus asked.
"Please, you can’t ask my mother for advice, only for orders." Quylla scoffed. "I’m going to do things my way and give my babies a normal childhood. As for my father, I would love to, but he’s too busy setting up whatever Mom needs from him."
"I see, but that still doesn’t answer the second part of my question." Lith pointed out.
"Ophya, Vyla. Lith wants to know what you are doing here." Quylla called the handmaidens from her communication amulet.
"The job you promised us." Ophya wore a black maid uniform that emphasized the blonde of her hair and her clear blue eyes. "Whenever you move to the Blood Desert you have no need for us. Here, instead, we can feel useful and learn in a day what takes us months in the Desert."
"She’s right." Vyla said, her loose long black hair framing her green eyes. "The people of the Overlord are always polite and try to put us at ease. Quylla’s slaves, instead, are rude and never hesitate to point fingers at us or whisper behind our backs whenever we make a social blunder."
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"First, I don’t have slaves, they are house staff." Quylla blushed up to her ears. "Second, they are not rude. Even noble guests are expected to adhere to certain standards of etiquette when visiting the Ernas household, let alone hired help.
"It’s perfectly normal for my maids and butlers to be bewildered when you act clueless about the most elementary of things or treat the masters of the house like your peers!"
"Sounds rude to me." Lith shrugged.
"See? Even Lith agrees with us." Ophya said. "Besides, why should we be respectful towards ants? Even Lith never put restrictions on us and he’s a Divine Beast."
"That’s right." He nodded. "In my household, we’re all friends and… Wait, what do you mean, even Lith?"
"Are you calling me an ant?" Quylla was as outraged as him.
"No, not you." Vyla replied. "Just your servants and guests. Lith, if Valeron the Second or Elysia needs us, please let us know. They are our first priority. Also, Ophya and I are at the market for the first time.
"Remind me, which are more valuable? The red or yellow coins?"
"The yellow, I mean, the gold coins are much more valuable than copper coins!" Lith said in shock and horror. "Please, tell me you have yet to buy anything."
"Don’t worry, we are using Quylla’s money. Ophya out."
"Thank the gods." Lith sighed in relief.
"My servants and guests? My money?" Quylla was fuming. "How dare you be relieved? They never said they haven’t already wasted money."
"I know, but at least it’s not my problem." Lith smiled. "Now, where are Garrik and Ryla?"
"With Morok, practicing." Quylla grumbled. "By the way, this is your pass for my gate."
She handed one engraved silver plaque to Lith, Solus, and Kamila who imprinted them in front of Quylla.
"Thanks. Now follow me, please."
"Did you have problems with the transition?" Solus asked, trying to move to a less controversial topic. "Is Garrik’s and Ryla’s true nature still a secret or did someone among the house staff notice something?"
"Everything is fine." Quylla grunted. "Or rather, as fine as three gorgeous women and one fat Byk moving into your house can be. Maybe it’s the pregnancy talking but sometimes I feel like a second-rate citizen in my own home.
"I don’t receive the same admiration Ryla and the others get nor do I command the same respect as a silly furball called Fluffy! Can you believe that?"
"Sadly, I can." Kamila sighed. "I have similar problems."
"I can imagine." Quylla sighed back. "Being married to a Magus whose family is filled with stunners must be a nightmare. Thank the gods I got plenty of practice playing second fiddle while growing up with Friya."
She led them through a series of doors and corridors. The marble of the floors had been smoothened and polished while every centimeter of the walls was decorated with inlays, frescoes, or paintings.
The high-end furniture and crystal chandeliers illuminating the place were in no way inferior to those of the main Ernas Household. Lith and Solus would have thought to be in one of the many wings of the Mansion they had never visited if not for one detail.
The Ernas insignia carved in the furniture and embossed on the doors was silvery instead of the usual gold.
"Is that because you are attuned with light magic?" Solus asked while pointing at a decoration on a vase.
"Correct." Quylla nodded. "My parents wanted to make it clear this isn’t a home they are lending me. This is my home now."
"What about Friya? Did she receive the same treatment?" Lith asked.
"Sort of. She had to pick one color or her house would look like a circus." Quylla’s voice turned sad. "She went for the deep blue. In honor of Phloria’s memory."
"I see." Just mentioning her name gave Lith a pang.
Phloria was dead for over a year and Lith had overcome his grief. Yet, sometimes, his mind played tricks on him. He convinced himself she was alright and they had just lost touch because they were too busy with their respective lives.
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