Chapter 3387: Human Apex (Part 2)

Chapter 3387: Human Apex (Part 2)

"The explanation is simple." Menadion took a deep breath to calm herself. "You shouldn’t get a headache just like you shouldn’t be able to study any of the pieces of the Apprentice Set.

"I made both sets, true, but I also knew they might have been used against me. So, I made sure neither Menadion Set could uncover their respective crafting techniques or unlock codes.

"Why do you think I programmed the True Heir of Menadion protocol in the tower? "It was exactly for the case something happened to me before I had the time to impart all of my secrets to you, Solus."

"Then how is it possible?" Lith asked.

"In the same way spirit crystals are popping out of the pieces of the Master Set and some floors have more enchantments than I imbued them with." Ripha shrugged. "Solus’ bond with the tower changed it just like bonding with you changed her, Lith.

"As you grew up and your blood mutated to adapt to the constant struggle between your three life forces, Solus mutated with you. The tower used your essence to rebuild her body which in turn mutated the tower.

"You got inside my daughter in more ways than one, young man." Ripha grunted, crossing her arms.

"Ripha!" Kamila didn’t know whether to be more embarrassed or angry.

"Fine. What do you want to call it, then? I’m open to suggestions."

An awkward silence fell over the room as Solus blushed up to her ears and Lith cleared his throat in awkwardness.

"Can we please change the subject?" Solus whimpered after a few minutes passed and no one found a fitting answer.

"Of course." Lith said. "I’ve made all the necessary arrangements for my first trip. Are you sure you want to come with us, Solus? Wouldn’t you rather travel a bit on your own?"

"He’s right, Solus." Menadion nodded. "In your shoes, I’d spare myself the sausage fest and do something interesting."

"Thanks, but no thanks." Solus emitted a high-pitched whine that she cleared by drinking some water. "Kami is coming too and she can use some company. Also, Mom can’t get anywhere without Lith and I’d still need to come back to recharge."

"I’m coming along only because if Lith leaves the babies alone for more than a few hours they cry." Kamila replied.

"Indeed" Lith nodded. "I miss Elysia and Valeron as much as they miss me and if I were to bring them away with me for days on end Kami would be worried sick about us all the time.

"It would be hardly a vacation if I had to spend it on the amulet to reassure her. On top of that, she’s not going to participate in our activities and neither can you. This is supposed to be a father-son bonding experience."

"What about Leria?" Solus pointed out.

"Fine, a father-child bonding experience." Lith conceded. "I couldn’t leave Leria out just like I had to invite Senton and Trion. As much as I hate it, Leria needs her father and I have to share mine."

"Don’t worry, Mom and I will stay out of your hair." Solus said. "Besides, if anything happens, you need to tower to move quickly and without leaving a paper trail."

"That’s true." Lith sighed. "Off we go, then."


Kellar Region, City of Jambel, the following day.

There was no Warp Gate leading straight to Jambel so Lith and his family had to move to the nearest city. There were too many people with him and travelling comfortably would have taken two DoLoreans or several Warp Steps.

The problem was easily solved when Baron Eiros Wyalon offered to come pick them up.

"It’s no trouble at all, Lith." The Baron had said on the call, laughing. "I enjoy riding that car of yours and I love rubbing it in the face of my pompous neighbours. Don’t worry about your missus.

"This time I’ve made everyone aware of your visit so only madmen with a death wish would try and mess with Jambel during your stay."

"And that’s what worries me." Lith had replied.

With Ripha and Trion travelling inside Lith’s shadow and all luggage stored inside dimensional amulets, the two DoLoreans had space to spare. Raaz drove one and the Baron the other.

"I’m happy you’ve accepted my offer, Lith." Wyalon said. "Between the summer and the car, I can give you a proper tour of my land without your Steps disorienting us or your high-speed flight blurring everything."

"That’s not fair, mister." Aran travelled on their DoLorean with Onyx sitting beside him in her human form. "My brother’s speed is unmatched and, as long as you don’t care looking around without puking, travelling with him is the coolest."

"I’m not doubting it." The Baron replied. "But I’m not into puking and by going too fast you can’t appreciate your journey."

Whenever they reached a scenic clearing or a lake, the Baron stopped for a few minutes to allow his guests to stretch their legs and take a look around.

"Magus Menadion, sergeant Verhen, it’s a pleasure to meet you." He greeted them on their first stop since Solus and Raaz wanted to share the experience with them.

"The pleasure is all mine. Please, call me Ripha." She said while shaking his hand.

"Sure thing, Ripha." He nodded. "You need a disguise, though, or we won’t have a moment of peace. With your beauty and talent, I’ll need the army to protect you from your admirers and an elite guard to protect you from the army."

"Been there, done that." She assumed her features as Rhona.

"Much better. Or worse, depending on the point of view." He said with a laugh.

"Nice to meet you too, Baron." Trion shook hands. "Don’t worry about our accommodations, we can only sleep inside Lith’s feathers."

"You let me do the worrying, young man." Wyalon replied. "I’ve prepared rooms for everyone. You all deserve a bit of privacy." Your next read awaits at

The trip involved a short tour of the lakes and the nearby woods where they would spend most of their vacation. Jambel was built in the harsh north, away from the main supply routes.

The city was used to isolation and being self-sufficient, especially during the harsh winters in the north. The citizens of Jambel used the woods for game and kindling while the twin lakes provided them with plenty of fish.

Once they reached Jambel, the Baron skipped all formalities and the honour guard, driving the Verhens straight to their destination.

The guest house for important visitors was right beside the City Lord’s and differed little in both size and comfort.

"It’s a pleasure having you here again, Magus Verhen." Meeting Lady Wyalon was the only formality from which the Baron couldn’t spare them. "I can’t believe you’ve chosen our city for your vacations twice already.

"Who knows, maybe the Royals will bless us with better roads after-"

"As much as I love hearing you talk about politics, my love, I doubt Lith came all the way here to hear our complaints." Lord Wyalon cut her short. "Allow me to introduce you to our guests.

"Mirias, these are Magus Ripha Menadion, Sergeant Trion Verhen, Onyx, and Abominus. My friends, this is my wife, Baroness Mirias Waylon."

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