Chapter 3407: Erased from History (Part 2)
The crowd dispersed quickly, with people walking briskly to make up for the lost time and giving rushed apologies for eavesdropping.
Once Lith was done, they moved to the corridor leading to the Throne Room and Ekler followed them.
"I'm sorry, but there's quite a few people in your group and no one is allowed to roam these corridors unsupervised." He said. "Please, consider me your escort, not your warden."
The visit went on undisturbed until they reached the Throne Room. The Royals conducted most of their business inside their private quarters, using the Throne Room only for ceremonies and public events so that day it was empty.
Yet four Royal Guards stood on the four corners of the raised dais where the thrones stood, watching in silence at the guests.
"You can go anywhere you want but on the dais." Captain Ekler said. "Only the Royals can climb those steps and touch the thrones. Anyone else would be immediately arrested and detained for insubordination to the Crown."
While Lith kept giving his family a tour of the place and recounted to them the highlights of Meron's achievements, he had two more spectators than he had anticipated.
"Do we have to be honored or offended that he didn't request an audience with us despite coming to the Royal Palace?" Queen Sylpha asked.
"You should be honored." King Meron grunted. "Verhen has nothing to tell us. Requesting an audience while he plays tourist would be nothing more than a power play. A demonstration he can ask for our presence for futile reasons and we have to oblige."
"Why just me?" Sylpha chuckled. "What about you?"
"He's tearing me apart!" Meron pointed at the hologram while Lith narrated one of the most embarrassing moments of his life as the Crown Prince. "Where did he learn this stuff? I'm quite sure I had it redacted from the official records.
"And why are the Guards laughing? More importantly, why are you?" The King was beet reed as Lith described the dreaded stirrups accident that had preceded the battle for Belius.
"Because it's hilarious." Sylpha replied. "Did it really happen?"
"Yes, and you'd better remember that I've killed for much less, woman!" Meron snarled as Lith recounted another accident the King wished erased from history.
Decades ago, at the crack of dawn, tired from an all-nighter of negotiations, the then-Crowned Prince and future King had entered the wrong tent and been caught taking a dump by a Duchess and her entire retinue.
"Oh, dear." Sylpha laughed harder. "I thought the first thing you had to learn in the great game of politics was to never let the opponent catch you with your pants down."
"That's not funny!" Meron slammed his fist on the table as the Royal Fortress armors rattled due to their owners' desperate attempts to hold in their laughter. "I became Prince Smellon for months. Not to mention the wild rumors about my genitals those gossips spread!"
"I know." Sylpha had to sit down so as not to roll on the floor. "He just got to that part."
Meron went pale as he had to listen again about the conflicting claims he was either endowed like a horse or a mouse.
"Jokes aside, do you think we should meet Lith?" The Queen asked while holding her belly and gasping for air. "I mean, he and Menadion are here. It would be a nice gesture from us."
"Stop gasping for air, dammit!" The King didn't know who, but someone had to die before sunset. "That said, I think we shouldn't intrude. It's just an unofficial visit and we'd just ruin the mood. Unless…"
"Kami, Lith, I'd really like to visit the Gardens of Saefel." Elina said. "Is it a problem for you?"
She had never visited the inner park of the Royal Palace and was curious about it. Yet she knew it held bad memories for both Lith and Kamila. It was the place where Quylla had apparently been murdered in front of Lith's eyes and Kamila had been kidnapped.
"It's fine for me, Elina." Kamila replied and Lith nodded.
"Dammit, I jinxed it." Meron sighed. "You go. I'll wait here."
"Don't worry. I'll take care of it." Sylpha understood his desire to stay out of sight from a group of women who were probably still wondering about his privates. "By the way, in case you need it, remember our bathroom is that way."
"Sylpha!" Meron roared, glad there was no one to listen.
"I'm sorry, I couldn't help it." She giggled before Warping away.
The Gardens of Saefel were not only a place filled with the smell of finely cut grass, with flower beds, and trimmed bushes that adorned the cobblestone paths that went across the whole park as far as the eye could see.
It was also a place of beauty, where every single tree, every single topiary figure had been placed so as to not hinder the sight of the visitors. It allowed them to admire with a single gaze several compositions at the same time, allowing the beautiful landscape of the Gardens to always be greater than the sum of its parts.
Statues and topiaries of the First Queen were everywhere. She was either depicted with the First King or with their children.
The women of the Verhen family awwwed and sighed at the testament to Valeron the First's love for Tyris, wishing their men could make them subjects of such adoration.
"This place is so beautiful. How could anyone defile it with blood and murder?" Elina asked. "Are you sure you are alright, Kami?"
"I have nothing to fear, Elina, but thank you." Under any other circumstance, the memory of her recent assault would have haunted the Gardens like a vengeful spirit.
Yet while holding Lith's hand, Kamila felt safe and protected. Even in the unlikely event someone could overpower both the defenses of the Palace and her husband, the little life in her womb would protect her against any threat.
"You are correct, Lady Magus." Captain Ekler said. "After what happened to you, the full set of elemental sealing arrays is now complemented by an energy dome. Nothing can come in or out of the Gardens while there are people inside."
He pointed at the small birds that tried to either enter or leave the area but were stopped by an invisible barrier.
"I'd preferred not to know." Elina curled her lips. "This place looks like a prison now."
"I understand your feelings, but after two attempts against loyal subjects of the Kingdom took place in the same spot, it was clear that the Gardens' security issues couldn't be overlooked any longer." Queen Sylpha walked through one of the side doors and joined the Verhens.
"Your Majesty." Lith and the others gave her a deep bow while Ekler just rapped his fist against his breastplate in respect not to lower his guard.
"Please, stand up. I didn't mean to intrude." Sylpha replied. "I just wanted to reassure you the Gardens are now as safe as the rest of the Palace and express my regret for the recent security breach."
"It wasn't your fault, Your Highness." Kamila bowed again. "I was reckless and almost paid the price."
"Nonsense." The Queen shook her head.
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