Chapter 3440 Unwilling Allies (Part 1)

Chapter 3440 Unwilling Allies (Part 1)

"Then you produce light too but that's your mana while the fire is world energy. They pulse each at their own rhythm so you breathe, make them match, and bang! You Awaken" Aran said, almost feeling the power of the mana flowing through him again. "It's amazing." Onyx said.

"I know, right? It's so simple once you know the trick." He puffed his chest out with pride.

"No, I meant, it's amazing you Awakened without having a clue what you were doing." Onyx replied. "I'm Awakened too yet I didn't understand a thing you said. If I didn't know better, I'd think you're pulling my leg."

"You mean it's not a clear explanation?" Aran was flabbergasted.

"For you, maybe. For anyone else, it's a jumbled mess." She shrugged.

"You win." Aran took down the Hush Zone, grumbling. "You can have my dessert at lunch."

"No need." Leira groaned. "I said ice cream against milk. It means that if I lost, I'd give you my ice cream, and if I won, you'd have to give me plain milk."

"Really?" Aran's eyes lit up with joy.

"Yeah, really." She snorted. "That's how low I thought your chances of winning were and I was right."

"Meanie." Aran grunted. "What about our lessons, Big Bro?"

"Are you sure it is me you want?" Lith asked, obtaining a nod in reply. "Then we'll start this afternoon after you are done with your homework. Is it okay with you?"

"Yep." Aran replied,

"Grandma, can you tell me with human words what Aran did in your office?" Leria asked.

"He sat in a corner while meditating. Why? Do you plan on doing the same?" Salaark asked.

"Yes." Leria replied. "It's my turn to Awaken and I have only fifteen days to make it." "Leria!" Senton jumped up from his scat while Rena was too busy choking on her food. Elina had to slap her back until Rena spat out a piece of unchewed carrot.

"Why are you so worried?" Leria shrugged. "Aran and I have more or less the same amount of impurities. If he Awakened safely so can I. The longer I wait, the more dangerous it will become."

"I know, dear, but I can't help but be worried about you." Senton said. "Nothing is really safe. There's always a chance something might go wrong. Also, it's going to be painful. Tell her, Aran."

"It's true." Aran shuddered at the memory. "I never endured so much pain and I hope never to have to experience it again. I remember how scared I was as Grandma yelled at me not to lose my consciousness."

"Auntie Kami?" Leria turned to Kamila who just like Aran had recently broken through to the deep green.

"I can confirm everything he said." Kamila sighed. "I had worse but it still wasn't a pleasant experience. On top of that, even though reaching the deep green is a smooth process, if you faint from pain things can end badly."

Leria swallowed hard, the path to Awakening suddenly didn't feel so alluring anymore.

At least until he looked at Lith and then let her gaze wander around the table. There were plenty of Awakened in her family and they were all people Leria admired. Except for Aran, of course.

"I still want to do it." Leria found her own voice shaky so she grabbed Abominus' hand from under the table. "I know I can do it."

"I know that too." The Pyrmir said. "The real question is: should you?"

"Uncle Lith?"

"That's not something I can decide nor should you discuss it with me." Lith replied. "It's something between you and your parents, Leria. What I can tell you as your uncle, however, is that your decision won't matter for long.

"Based on how easily Aran Awakened and the current position of your impurities, it's only a matter of time before they reach your mana core. On top of that, once you naturally develop a green core, things will get tougher as your mana core keeps developing.

"The moment you self-Awaken, your body will undergo multiple refining processes and expel the accumulated impurities all at once. The pain and danger will be worse than facing one breakthrough at a time. Remember this before making your decision, Rena, Senton, and Leria."

The three exchanged looks, swallowing hard for a while and not knowing what to say. "Do you mind if I participate to Aran's lessons, Lith?" Kamila asked to change the topic and give Leira's parents time to think.

"Sure, but what's the point? Solus already taught you Fusion and Spirit Magic." Lith replied.

"I've always been spoon-fed knowledge and after hearing everyone praising your teaching skills so much, I want to exploit my privilege of having married the Mentor Magus." She chuckled. "I want to become strong enough not to be a burden to you and I want to spend time with my husband.

"Two birds with one stone."

"Mentor Magus, huh?" Lith smiled, liking his new title. "Fine. Tomorrow afternoon will be

our first lesson. Don't be late or slack off."

"Yes!" Aran cheered for Kamila. "Competition makes things more exciting. I've already defeated Leria at Awakening and Auntie Solus at cooking. You're going down, Auntie Kami!"

"Hey!" Leria and Solus said in unison, outraged by Aran rubbing his success in their face. "Challenge accepted, young man." Kamila chuckled. "I'll rest today as well so we'll be on equal footing tomorrow."

"Aren't you resuming your vacation?" Aran asked. "You weren't supposed to come back until tomorrow."

"Don't be silly." Elina replied. "I've missed you and your father a lot and now that I'm back

I'm going to stay."

"Fine." Aran nodded with a determined expression on his face. "If I can't cook you lunch tomorrow, I'll prepare you dinner today."

"Thank you, sweetie. Elina smiled as she gently caressed his hair.

"Then I can move my own schedule forward." Lith said. "Solus, Menadion, get ready. After lunch we are going to visit our acquaintances in the Undead Courts."


Erslan Bhaz, Blood Warlock, King of the Dawn Court and current leader of the Courts Alliance, was not surprised to receive Lith's call.

"I was about to call you myself. There's much we have to discuss. Have you heard about

the stunt pulled by the latest Chosen of the Incontinent King?"

"Just a few rumors but nothing solid." Lith kept the information he had received from Vladion a secret not to expose his source to any mole Orpal might have planted. "I need to talk with a witness or, even better, to watch a recording of the event. "It's the only way to assess if Poopie's threats are founded or just more farts." "You are in luck. The reason I was going to contact you is that I've just received the surveillance videos of Othre's Night Court." Bhaz replied. "After my associates and I reviewed the footage of the fight, we have noticed a few details that our peers had


"I need your opinion and, if you confirm our findings, your help.

"Where do you want us to meet?" Lith asked.

"Same place as the last time." The Dawn King gave no clue about his position to whoever might intercept the call. "Come whenever you want. I'll be waiting. Bhaz out."

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