Chapter 3502: Another Kind of Order (Part 1)

Chapter 3502: Another Kind of Order (Part 1)

"I was just starting to cook and I could use some help. With the whole family assembled, there’s a lot of work to do." Elina nodded at the many pots and pans.

"Got it." Lith wore an apron while Solus moved away from the stove.

As much as it pained her and Menadion to admit it, their "help" usually made Elina work harder since she had to fix their mistakes before the food was beyond saving.

"Thanks. I really don’t get why everyone is still here." Elina said with a beaming smile that didn’t match her words. "I’m fine. You guys can go back to your usual routine."

’Yeah, right.’ Lith sighed, conjuring Trion out of the Void Sigil to complete the family picture.

Rena and Kamila soon joined him while Tista did her best to keep the triplets, Aran, and Leria out of the cooks’ hair.

"I can help." Aran whined.

"I know, my little chef, but there’s only so much space here." Elina shrugged apologetically. "We have to move fast and your footstool would get in the way."

Aran was still too short to move comfortably around the stove, especially with the use of magic draining his focus.

"I know, Mom." He sighed, looking at his big brother who stood a head taller than everyone else with envy.

The meal was soon ready and delicious.

Elina reassured everyone of her condition and encouraged them to leave her alone but the sheer joy as she looked at the crowded dining room made her sound as fake as a six-dollar bill.

"Where have you been all this morning?" Kamila asked.

"Dya! Dya!" The babies yelled in Lith’s ears while climbing on his back with their claws.

"I was doing stuff in the Blood Desert." Lith replied, knowing the pandemonium that would have ensued had he used terms like ’adult stuff’ or ’not suitable for a younger audience’. "You know."

He nodded at Elina while she wasn’t looking and everyone understood the subtext about her aggressors and changed the topic.

"About the Desert, I feel terrible not seeing Salaark at our table." Elina sighed. "Tell her I’m sorry, and that I’ll call her as soon as I feel ready to face her again."

"I will, Mom, don’t worry." Lith then talked about the lesson on Creation Magic, arousing many grumbles around the table.

"Working already?" Raaz said.

"What about me?" Tista asked. "Am I not part of the family?"

"Why without us?" Aran and Leria asked. "We are Awakened now."

The triplets just grumbled. At three years and a few months of age, they were forbidden from practicing even the simplest chore magic spell. No matter what their uncle would reply to the others, the triplets were bound to be excluded from the lessons.

"How much do you know about Creation Magic, Tista?" Menadion took the hot potato off Lith’s hands.

"Nothing, but I’ve already reached the violet and it won’t be long before I achieve the bright violet as well." She replied.

"Then no one can help you." Menadion shook her head. "I can’t teach you because the magic I use is outdated by seven hundred years. You probably don’t know most of the runes I use and learning them would be a waste of your time.

"Lith and Solus, instead, can’t teach you as well since their knowledge is incomplete. Until they figure their own Creation Magic out and reach a deep understanding, they won’t be able to simplify the concepts enough for a neophyte like you to grasp the basics."

Tista lowered her gaze but said nothing.

"As for you two, a deep green core is too weak for Creation Magic." Ripha shifted her gaze between Aran and Leria. "You can’t handle that kind of power."

"But we can use Light Mastery. Aren’t constructs tier five too?" Leria asked.

"They are, but Light Mastery is much simpler and less dangerous." Menadion replied. "If you mess up with a construct, you get sparkles of light and nobody gets hurt. If you mess with an artifact, it explodes in your face."

Lith and Solus nodded, remembering all too well their past failures and the countless resulting explosions.

"Knowing you rascals, you would try to practice Creation Magic by yourself, putting you in danger and blowing up expensive items. No lessons for you, not even the basics, until you are stronger and more reliable."

Leria and Aran too lowered their gazes while the triplets gloated, rubbing their hands at the prospect of the knowledge they considered their birthright.

"Stop gloating, you three." Menadion snapped them out of it. "Just because you belong to the Verhen bloodline, it doesn’t mean you have a talent for magic, no matter how many streaks you have in your hair. If you don’t believe me, look at your mother."

"Hey, I resent that." Rena replied. "For all we know, I might be the greatest mage in the family."

Her claim was received with a barrage of chuckles, giggles, and scoffs.

"Let’s be real." Menadion scoffed once more with feeling. "You’ve seen your brother practicing magic for years, yet not once have you asked him to teach you."

"That’s because I find magic useful for the daily chores but spending all those hours on books…" Rena shuddered at the thought.

"My point exactly." Menadion nodded. "You can’t be good at something you don’t love. Take your mother, for example."

"I love cooking." Elina said with a smile. "It relaxes me, and seeing your happy faces while you eat fills me with joy."

"And I love being a farmer." Raaz nodded. "It might not be fancy, but it’s an honest job. My father taught me everything I know just like his father did with him. I consider it a family legacy and hope one of you will continue it."

"I wish I could." Trion sighed. "I never liked fighting. It’s one of the reasons I became a drill sergeant as soon as I racked enough merits from active duty."

Aside from the triples arguing who among them was the less talented and had to take on Grandpa Raaz’s farm, the lunch was warm and pleasant.


Elina had gone all out and by the time the Verhens reached the end of the five-course meal, only Lith and Tista could stand up without help.

"You damn cheat." Kamila burped. "Please, carry me to the bed before I fall asleep on the table."

"With pleasure." Lith tuckered her in just for the babies to join her and snuggle under her arms.

"I’m sorry." Elina groaned. "I think I went overboard. I’m going to need help with the dishes."

"Nonsense." Tista carried her parents to their room one at a time. "I’ll take care of it."

"Thanks, sweetie." Elina fell asleep the moment her head touched the pillow.

Once everyone was in their respective bedrooms and their heartburn treated with light magic, Lith took care of the table.

"Can you give me a hand, Solus?"

"Kill me, please." She whimpered, holding her bloated belly.

"You didn’t have to eat everything." Menadion piled the plates with Spirit Magic and sent them floating to the sink. "You could have stored a few dishes for dinner."

"I know, but it was all so good."

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