Chapter 3338 Royal Scolding (Part 1)
"By the way, Dad, I was thinking about taking a short vacation just with you and another with Mom. We never spend time together and you could use a change of scenery." Lith said.
"Why split the family?" Raaz asked.
"So we can do man stuff we enjoy without boring Mom out of her skull and vice versa." Lith replied.
"Can I come too?" Aran asked.
"Sure, little guy. It will be me, you, Dad, and Trion." Lith said, making his older brother spit his food out in surprise.
The last thing he expected was to be invited.
"What about me?" Leria pouted.
"You can come if you want." Lith replied after throwing a glance at Raaz who nodded. "Why didn't you invite me, Uncle Lith?" She stared at him with puppy eyes.
"For fairness. I thought you wanted to take part in the vacation with Mom, which I know Aran won't enjoy. Unless I'm wrong and you like touring cities and going shopping, little brother."
"No way!" Aran pretended to fall asleep on the spot to make his point.
"That's boring!" Leria said in horror. "Why should I enjoy that?"
"My bad, then." Lith chuckled.
After lunch, Lith spent his time with Kamila and the babies while Solus kept talking with her mother.
"Mom, why don't we invite Fyrwal and Tessa to come here?" She asked. "They always talk fondly about you and even though they are a bit creepy, they are good friends."
"Sure." Menadion combed Solus' hair with her fingers. "Not now, though. I want to keep you all for myself for a while."
The First Ruler of the Flames had many stories she wanted to tell her daughter, some of which very personal. Most of all, Ripha wanted to build a relationship with Solus based on mutual respect.
Something that would become considerably harder if her old friends shared more embarrassing anecdotes about her past with Solus.
It was tea time in the Blood Desert and dawn in the Kingdom when Lith's amulet started to blink.
"Damn, I've jinxed myself. The rune belonged to King Meron and Lith couldn't afford to ignore him.
"Greetings, Your Majesty." Lith gave the hologram a polite bow. "To what do I owe this honor?"
"It's not an honor at all, Magus Verhen." Meron was sitting on the Royal throne, his right check resting against his closed fist. "Your amulet went back online two days ago yet not once have you felt the need to report the outcome of your expedition or at least inform us you were still alive.
"It's a blatant act of disrespect to the Crown that alone calls for censure and that without even considering how much your stunt at the border with Chalal cost the Kingdom." Meron's eyes narrowed.
"You have stormed another country without permission, breaching the diplomatic treaties between the Kingdom and the free countries and creating a dangerous precedent that compromises our borders.
"On top of that, you have contributed to strengthening one of our fiercest rivals, tipping the power scale of Garlen against your people. I hope you have a good explanation and more to offer for the trouble you've caused than mere apologies.
"The Crown went to great lengths to protect your reputation after you lost control over your Abomination side and went insane. We have rescued your victims and covered the costs to rebuild what you have destroyed.
"You should have spared us a few minutes of your time for a call."
"I'm grateful for everything the Crown has done for me, Your Majesty, but it has been just two days." Lith pointed out. "I suffered grievous wounds and even though I'm an Awakened, I needed time to rest and deal with the aftermath of the battle."
"Already two days, you mean." The King's tone was cold. "The consequences of what you have done to solve your personal matter will affect the entire Kingdom in the years to come. I expect to receive your report in person as soon as possible."
"Just tell me when and I'll come to the Royal Palace" Lith replied.
"Now would be perfect. I'll inform the Guards of your arrival. Meron out."
"Shot." Lith grumbled under the effects of the Guardians' auto-correct. "It seems that the time to pay the piper has come earlier than I expected.
"Do you want me to come with you?" Kamila put the kids in the crib.
"No. I'd rather keep you out of this as much as I can." Lith shook his head. "You weren't there and there's nothing relevant you can say. It would stress you and the baby for
"Thank you." She rested her head on his chest for a second before letting him go. Then, Lith went to Solus' room to set their story straight.
"If the Royals have a contact inside the Awakened Council, they must have learned about the Fringe and that you offered the Ears in reward for my rescue. Solus pondered. "The news of the reappearance of one of the pieces of Mom's Set is too juicy to stay secret for
"Especially considering that the contact rune of the World Tree is gone."
"I hadn't thought of that." Lith inwardly cursed. "The wooden bastard was still a member of the Council and no one will believe me if I say that their death right after so many Dragons mobilized is just a coincidence."
"Since we are cornered, I'd say that honesty is the only policy we can afford. At least, what passes for honesty in your head." She chuckled.
Lith shrunk the tower into its stone ring form and had it slip on his finger.
After that, reaching Valeron's Royal Palace required them to take a single step through the diplomatic Warp Gate in the Kingdom's embassy.
Lith could almost hear the Royal Guards frown from under their full helms.
The King had ordered them to escort Lith to the Throne Room upon his arrival but he was supposed to come alone.
"I'm pleased to see you are alright, Great Mage Verhen, but that's not enough to bend the law." Said one of the Guards. "What are the reasons for your visit?" "Supreme Magus Verhen put everything on the line for me." She replied. "Please, tell King Meron and Queen Sylpha that I formally request to take part in the audience as both witness and evidence of the events."
That last part left the Royal Guard puzzled but he made no comment. He just raised two fingers to the side of his helm to transmit the request and receive the answer.
"One second, please." While one Guard kept the palace's defensive system on stand-by the other checked Solus' ID and life force. "All clear. Please, follow me."
The Royal Guards stood by either side and accompanied Lith and Solus straight to the
Throne Room.
Lith kept the pace, but he couldn't help but stare at the wide columns made of gold-veined white marble and the gold inlaid in picture frames, statues, and even
ceremonial weapons.
'I wonder how much all this useless pomp costs.' It had been Valeron's bloodline to pay
for the furniture but Lith's wallet hurt at the idea anyway.
"Supreme Magus Lith Tiamat Verhen and Great Mage Solus Verhen." The room was empty, but the Royal Valet introduced them with his full, baritonal voice as if he had to drown out a crowd of chatting nobles during a gala.
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