Chapter 3339 Royal Scolding (Part 2)

Chapter 3339 Royal Scolding (Part 2)

The Royals were sitting on their thrones, with one Royal Guard standing on each corner of the raised dais. Nothing but the echo of the Valet's words accompanied the sound of the massive doors closing.

I thought a private audience without the rest of the Royal Court would have helped me keep my composure but it's actually much more awkward. Solus swallowed a lump of saliva.

Not only was she not used to confronting the pressure of the stare of the Royals, but everything around her reminded Solus of the Crown's authority and power. The ancestors of King Meron seemed to look down on her from their portraits, their silver eyes cold and unwavering.

"Come forward." Meron said.

The silence as Lith and Solus advanced made the shuffle of their steps on the soft carpet sound loud like drumbeats. With nothing to distract her, Solus became self-conscious and tensed up like a bowstring.

"Your Majesties." Lith's voice as he gave the Royals a bow took Solus by surprise, startling her out of her reverie.

"Your Majesties." She gave them an awkward curtsy, almost tripping on her own feet. "We are glad to have you again in our Court, Great Mage Verhen." Sylpha welcomed Solus with a curt nod, ignoring Lith. "We are also glad you are alright and that the Kingdom can still number you among its talents.

"Yet we would have preferred you wouldn't participate to this audience because you won't like some of the things that are about to be said. Know that we have nothing against you. Alas, politics seldom care about our feelings, only results matter."

"I understand, Your Majesty." Solus gave the Queen a second, shallower curtsy and stepped back.

"Magus Verhen, I assume your wife has reported to you the details of the discussion we had with her a few days ago." King Meron leaned against his throne, straightening his back.

"She did, Your Majesty." Lith nodded slightly.

"First of all, allow me to express my regret for the events that followed." Meron said. "No one had ever been kidnapped from the Royal Palace before and changes to the security have already been implemented to make sure it won't happen again."

"Thanks for your concern, Your Majesty." Lith brought his right hand to his heart and gave the Royals a shallow bow.

"That said, let me make the reasons for this summon and the displeasure of the Crown clear. We don't blame you for your actions after you lost your memory or for your

disowned brother's cowardly attack.

"Yet they both left a stain on your reputation and caused the death of countless innocents in the city of Zeska. Neither of that can be overlooked and it will take a considerable effort to placate the public opinion.

"Also, there is the matter of Great Mage Solus Verhen's kidnapping. I can understand the pain of losing a family member. As a mage, I can empathize with the economic loss and the outrage from being robbed of your omni pocket.

"Yet they aren't worth opening the borders for our enemies and giving them access to priceless resources. Nor are they worth giving away the Ears of Menadion. No offense, Great Mage Solus Verhen, but your life isn't worth that much,

"As for you, Supreme Magus Verhen, whatever is stored in your omni pocket could have been bought ten times over just by selling the Ears. Had you used them to increase your talents as a Forgemaster, I have no doubt you would have earned enough to put the Royal Treasury to shame."

Meron took a long pause to let the weight of his words sink.

"I have no doubt that, for undertaking such actions, you must have considered the risks and sacrifices worth their price. But that's for you and you only. My question is: was it worth it for the Kingdom as well?"

"I have to admit I had no idea my hunt would have brought me in front of Chalal's borders. Once I got there, all I could think of was my mission. There were no enemies or allies, only my goal and those who stood in my way. Lith replied, making his feelings on the matter clear.

"I also have to admit that I didn't expect to be beheaded and lose my memory. Had I not been more resilient than my enemy and even I expected, I would be dead. The Ears would be lost to the World Tree and the Kingdom would still face the threat of the Dead King.

"All in all, the Empire may have gained something from my quest to save Great Mage Verhen but the Kingdom lost nothing. Quite the contrary, it kept its Supreme Magus, one Great Mage, and gained a Ruler of the Flames."

On cue with Lith's words, his shadow rose from the ground and gained a third


"Is this the jackass who calls himself King these days?" A petite feminine figure covered

in what looked like a stone armor and wielding a hammer said.

"Intruder!" The Royal Guards charged themselves and their polearms with Life Maelstrom, pointing their blades at the armored figure.

"This is an unacceptable breach of security and etiquette!" Meron stood up from his throne. "Supreme Magus Verhen, if you wanted to bring along one of your Demons, you should have announced that before stepping inside the Throne Room."

"Stand back, Your Majesty." The captain of the Royal Guards said. "For some reason, the protective arrays of the palace aren't working."

"Of course, they don't work on me, runt. Watch this. Emergency override: Valeron, six, Sacfel, 4, Ripha!" The command made no sense to the Royals nor was it recorded among the palace's emergency codes but there was no denying its results.

The Royal Guards had suddenly lost their immunity to the defensive arrays of the Throne Room and were forced to kneel like rebellious subjects despite the boost in strength the Royal Fortress armor granted them.

Meron and Sylpha tried to restore their control over the power core of the palace, but even though it still carried their imprint, their access had been temporarily superseded

and revoked.

"What's the meaning of this treachery, Magus Verhen?" Sylpha conjured the Sword of Saefel in her hand while Meron wore the Armor. "Why is your Demon attacking us?"

Her gaze was cold but she kept a polite tone and used Lith's title.

"The arrays could have affected us too and Verhen has yet to make a move.' She thought. 'Whatever this is, there is no reason to make it worse.!

"I have no idea." Lith replied with an apologetic bow. "As you know, Demons are not slaves. I conjure them and then they do what they want. I summoned her only to answer

your question."

"And I attacked no one." Menadion took off her helm, revealing her visage. "I just.

provided proof of my identity to skip all your questions and clear your doubts. I'm Ripha Menadion, First Ruler of the Flames, Forge Magus of the Kingdom, and personal friend of Valeron and Saefel Griffon, the First Royals to sit on those thrones."

The Royals were taken aback, their eyes widening in surprise for more than one reason.

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